That two full weeks of Christmas break sure got us at the end of the year this year! My kids last day of school was today! These last couple of weeks were so long. They were so ready to be done!
It was a great day today. I drove the kids in today because Brennan's egg launch was first thing this morning. His eggstronaught didn't fair very well. It flew really far, but ended up scrambled. He was a little disappointed since he had worked hard on his conceptual model and tested everything out beforehand.
Next was Kendall's graduation ceremony in Mr. E's class. I was worried about waterworks during this one after Brennan's third grade graduation. But I did great today. I got a little teary as Mr. E was giving the kids his speech about stopping by next year and staying friends. I feel so blessed and grateful that Kendall was able to even have him as a teacher at all that I feel very much at peace and very happy. It all feels complete now - all three of my kids had the most influential man I know as a teacher. He has certainly made a profound impact on our family's life.
After that it was on to Brennan's graduation party. The last day of elementary school! Again I thought I would cry, but did great! He had such a great year, that I can feel nothing but gratitude. All of my mom friends were there with me - Cindy S., Cindy D., Anne, and Joye. Kim and Bruce were the dad reps. We've all been together since second grade. What a great group of people. Bill was in Chicago for business, he was so dissappointed to have to miss it. I took lots of photos though. I'll post some tomorrow. As the kids got their diplomas they each were able to give a short speech. Brennan's was wonderful. Very mature. Most of the kids thanked the teachers and said that fifth grade was their best year. Some others were weird and cryptic but most were positive.
I thanked Mr. Carlson on the way out. He is the principal and is an incredible leader. We have been so thrilled with this school. I am so glad we have a few more years before we are done there. Both Cindy's are done! I said they should come back and share their extraordinary party planning skills with us next year!
I am ready for summer. It's time for some relaxed unstructured time off.
We just picked up Bill from the airport and I am ready to fall into bed!