If you hum the theme song to Mission Impossible while you view these photos you'll get the entire effect!
So, this last weekend my crazy family and I decided we would place pink, plastic flamingoes in our friends yards. Not for any particular reason, just because they were in the dollar section at my favorite store - Target! We had the whole covert mission thing going on - everyone in black, except Kendall of course! She was going to wear all pink and be the "back-up" flamingo. ????
By the time we got to about the third house, Kendall developed a conscious and stated,
"I am ashamed to be a part of this!" LOL!!!

No one knew it was us or suspected us after the first night. After the second night we were just about caught by the Baumgartners coming home from their evening out. Then the phone calls and emails started. The Nelsons were offering to help out with the overpopulation problem:

The Hoffmans took the flamingo in as one of their own!
The Baumgartners had their flamingo in spy training to catch us!!!
The Carlsons sent Cliff Clavin facts about flamingoes and started an evil plan of their own to get us back. YIKES!
It was really fun and we laughed so much!
We'll see what the pay back ends up being!