I need to remember to come back here and actually put in an entry!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. My sister and I had a garage sale last week and anyone that has had one knows how much work that is. We ended up getting rained out so all of that work was for naught! We left everything set up and are thinking about opening the doors again on Thursday.
We also attended our first dinner club with our friends. We were so excited to be invited!!! These people have been getting together for a few years and it always sounded like so much fun! Now that we've experienced our first one I know why they get together! It was a blast! I've never laughed so hard and so much! What a great time. The theme was a honky-tonk murder mystery. Everyone was in character all night and we had the most amazing time. I was Henna Boufant the local hairdresser and Bill was Virgil Roswell, an oil worker who had been caputured by aliens over 30 times! LOL! Here we are in all our glory! And yes, that is my real hair! My mom put it up in the bouffant. She teased it straight up and they sprayed it with almost a whole can of hairspray! Doesn't Bill look handsome in those safety goggles??? :)

On the morning of dinner club I decided to go out for the title of Mother of the Year. My friend Barb from high school had purchased a guinea pig for her daughter a few months ago. Little did they know when they bought her that she was going to be a mommy guinea pig. Barb was looking for a home for the now three week old baby guineas and my Erin sweet talked me into letting her have one. Well, we ended up coming home with TWO! We think they are two boys!
I couldn't let the one little guy to be lonely, right?
Well, the kids have been having a ball with them and Bill secretly loves them too. You could say he was a bit reluctant about the whole thing, but has warmed up tremendously! They are so dang cute! I have warned Erin though, if I have to clean the cage they will be either set free to live with their brothers the squirrels or a "free guinea pig" sign with mysteriously appear in our yard.
We couldn't think of names for a long time, but we have finally settled on some. So, without further ado, here are:
Elwood Einstein Harvey and Jake Edison Harvey!
Elwood is the one with the crazy hair, he has cowlicks all over his body. It's the funniest thing! Hence the middle name of Einstein. Jake is the one with the more typical guinea pig look. His hair is coarser than Elwood's and he has one black foot. Since Elwood's middle name was a scientist Jake's middle name had to be after one as well - Edison. And of course, Jake and Elwood are after the Blue's Brothers. We are looking for black sunglasses and ties for them now. ;)
Until next time!
You win the Mother of the Year award ;)
And you and Bill look FAB too!
love that photo from the murder party! Great 'do (wink!)
And cute little additions to the family.
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